Your Biz Cafe Services

Your Biz Café offers a wide range of services. There are blogging, ezine marketing, web hosting, and advertising services. There is a little bit of everything you need to promote your business. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by opening a ticket.

Your Biz Cafe Services


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YBC Ad Blog

YB Classifieds: NEW SITE! Post your classified ads for free. Upgrade your ad to Premium for just $5. and have your ad in rotation on our home page and at the top of your category. Premium ads are also included in our credit viewer. Members view premium ads for credits giving more exposure for your offer.

YBC Ad Blog

YBC Ad Blog: Free Advertising Blog for Affiliates and business owners. Share articles from your blog, business opportunities, and affiliate business offers. You can update your status to up to 300 characters. Post any time you need to. Sign up and follow me for updates on all things Your Biz Cafe.

YBC Adboard YBC Adboard: Post your ads every three days for free. Plus, your ads stay relevant for five days. Upgrade to pro and you can post up to five times every day. Sign up today!

Blogs At YBC

Blogs at YBC: Offers free blogging services to business owners, affiliates, and people with personal interests. This is a user-friendly platform that is simple to set up in a few minutes. If you would like to create content that will help build your audience, go to the Start Your Blog page to set up your website. You can upgrade your account at any time.

Publisher Host

Publisher Host: Premium Ad Exchange Friendly Webhosting. Our hosting packages come with the easy-to-work-with Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is equipped with free-of-cost tools and bonuses. As a matter of fact, All Your Biz Café Websites are hosted on this platform.

YB Cafe Ads

YB Cafe Ads: At YB Cafe Ads you can increase website traffic by advertising in our network of websites. YBC Café Ads have banner ads and text ad packages. Click the banner to find out more about the One Week introductory text ad package.

Traffic Bean

Traffic Bean: At Traffic Bean, you can purchase targeted traffic, Alexa traffic, Casino traffic, and social visitors. Plus, Email marketing to reach a secret audience of potential customers.


About the Admin (The Human)

My name is Stephanie. I am the owner of The Your Biz Café Network Of websites. Your Biz Café LLC. I am a New York City resident, and I love coffee. Why did I start Your Biz Café? I wanted to have a system of free and low-cost services that would aid in your business goals. I also wanted members of my websites to share their interests and hobbies. Growing up in a corporate environment I have come to appreciate things being simpler.

Why do I say that?

All Your Biz Café websites are user-friendly and have a simpler feel. Sometimes when you are blogging it seems like you are doing more maintenance rather than creating informative content. What about when you are promoting your services? You must spend time with setup rather than doing something else. Well, you won’t have to worry about too much maintenance. Look at the Website Section to find out a little more. If you have any questions or need to make a suggestion, please feel free to go to the help desk and open a ticket.

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Introducing YB Cafe Ads
Introducing YB Cafe Ads

Advertising is a big part of promoting a business. Whether you do it online or offline, it is safe to ...

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Welcome to Your Biz Cafe
Welcome to Your Biz Cafe

Your Biz Cafe has gone through so many things. Formerly known as Annual Press, Your Biz Cafe has a wide ...

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